“Blessed are the peacemakers… For they shall be called sons of God…”

“Blessed are the peacemakers… For they shall be called sons of God…”
Matthew 5:9 (NKJV)

Just who are these peacemakers? Are they the fighters and protectors of freedom and from oppression? Are they the one’s whose feet are blessed with the Gospel of the Good News of God’s amazing Grace and Love? I say that it is both… And so much more…

Peacemakers… in the vast definition that God uses covers those who would sacrifice their lives to protect God’s people from oppression of any kind… 
This indeed covers our brave men and women of the United States Military… who have fought all over the world to maintain freedom here… on our precious soil. Some do not understand that premise… and I must admit that sometimes it is hard to see how a war in a foreign land could help maintain freedom here in America… some things will not be understood until we enter into eternity and “know as we are known” (1 Corinthians 13:12)

But God… has a reason for everything that happens… and His reasoning does not have to be understood by us… the creation… ergo… enters “Faith”
(Please note: I am not opening this discussion up to debate… I am simply making statements of things that are in my heart and I ask that you just respect them as exactly that…)

I just know that since I have been actively ministering to my fellow brothers and sisters in arms… I have come to gain a new and more passionate appreciation for who and what they are… Sometimes my heart is broken by what a gentle spirit had to become to protect my freedoms… and I weep and pray for them and love them with the unconditional love of God the Father… for it is only by His Grace that we have this awesome country that HE gave us… and by the sacrifice of the many men and women throughout our relatively short history as a nation… “One Nation Under God”

What began as a “ministry” to bless our forgotten heroes… has turned into a passion of desire to bless those who have blessed me so much. Every home that I go to… gives me new personalities to glean the character of a great nation from… 
And in them I see so many of the characteristics of our God Who sacrificed His ONLY Son for our freedom from the oppression of sin… and if it is with my last breath… I will sing and testify of the Love and Grace of God to these precious heroes… NOT just the veterans in homes… but ALL veterans that I meet along the highways and byways of this Great country… And not just the military veterans… but the active military… the police forces serving the “Peacemaking” of America… local police… sheriff’s patrols… highway patrols… homeland security… firemen… etc. And whenever I see one of these fine servants… I stop and pray for them… because they are serving us much the same as our military… for our safety and freedom.

God has called me to this ministry to the Vets and those who serve our country as “Peacemakers” and so often I ask Him… “why me Lord?... what have I ever done to deserve such and honor?” to which He so lovingly responded… 
“Because I have called you and equipped you to reach them… by your spirit which is Mine… and the gifts and talents that I have given you to reach across the chasms that so often separate them and Me… and your experiences in life… I have given you to be able to relate to them with My compassion... love… and grace… because… you see… you are my child and I want you to have purpose in your life… I love you and them… Go… My warrior… and tell them of my Love and Grace… and I will be with you unto the end of the age”

So… I Go… because of the Love and Grace given to me… that I did not deserve… 
He made me His…
Musicianary… Acts 20:24… Isaiah 38:20… Isaiah 6:8

December is the month that I am actively working on my itinerary for 2018… it’s exciting to be used of the Lord in such a way… Beginning the second week of January 2018… I will be retracing my steps across S. California… S. Nevada… Arizona… New Mexico and back into Texas where I will be spending most of the winter. Should your church or venue… along this path… desire a concert/ministry I would be honored to share… as I go. 
I am also one of Compassion International’s Music Artist Ambassadors and would love to come to your church and do a concert and present Compassion’s ministry to the children of the world… If interested… please inbox me and we will… by His grace… make it happen.