Oasis... in search of your Oasis in life and beyond

Oasis prologue


As we travel this journey we call “life”… we are all searching for something… for some place… for someone… We all have goals to reach…Even if we don’t realize it… we are indeed in search of something...

For some it is a casual thing that if they reach their goals… it is cool…but not a pinnacle in life… 
Yet for others… they are driven by an unexplainable passion that never really allows these goals to stay in the background of life for very long… 
These are the people who actually do things… whether it be great inventions that make our lives a little more comfortable…safer… or convenient… 
Or the statesmen such as our Founding Fathers who had a commission… a calling upon their lives to make a great country that affected the world like no other ever has before or will again… 
OR… it could be those who are given the gift of the arts… who are called to change the heart of mankind through their God given gifts and talents… in song… in writing… in acting…photography… or by the many other facets of the arts…

It all circumvolves around a thing called “Hope”  
Hope… of a new and better life… 
Hope… for that certain special someone who will… we hope… make our lives complete… 
Hope that it all takes us to an expected end in a better life… both now and in the afterlife. 
We Hope in places to live that are comfortable and safe… we Hope that we can live in relatively secure freedom without oppression by the authorities or from other factions… 
and I could go on and on with this comparison and description of “Hope” and its potential… for Hope is limited only by the Faith of the one who is “Hoping”… but you get the drift here I am sure… 
Life really does have a lot of “hopefuls” in it… And as we search for these “things” the journey takes us to a place that is our personal dreamland.. Our “Oasis” as it were… the place where it all accumulates and finds its completion in the “Hope” of fulfillment and pleasure… We don’t “Hope” for or chase dreams and things that we already have… therefore “Hope” drives us… encourages us… and can disappoint us.

“Oasis” is the place where the pool is that has the satisfying drink of water we all desire… Where the water is so pure… clear and clean that none can compare with it.  Where the fulfillment of dreams are realized… where peace finds its place in our hearts… and pleasure is unparalleled… a place of rest for the weary traveler who has journeyed through the desert of life. It is the place within a dream in which that dream touches reality… and to actually visit it and touch it… in this life… would violate it and profane its purity.

This song… “Oasis” that I am going to share the lyrics of with you… is the tale of just that… a journey through life in search of that place called Oasis… the culmination of Hopes and Dreams… My hopes and dreams… and more importantly… the LORD’s Hopes and Dreams for me… The passion is throughout… the tragedy… the joy… the doubts and disappointments and the faith in the One Who makes dreams come true and rewards the faithful who only look ahead to the goal of the prize at the end of the road…


Some of you will be able to relate to the foundation and passion that is wrapped up inside of this story… indeed some of you will know the force that drives this adventure in the course of life… and some of you may look at this as being ridiculous and even somewhat selfish or childish… that is your prerogative… be that as it may… it is the story of many of the people who dared to dream and pursue their dreams sometimes at great  expense… There are many tears hidden within this canticle and many times of joy and victory as well… 

The journey does indeed lead to the “Oasis”… the same Oasis that is searched for in my story “Saga of the Bold Knight in search of Oasis”™® … which is where we all desire to end up…  We call it Heaven but  it is in reality the place where our real Freedom will be found… and this time…  No One Can Take it Away… EVER!!!  

So come with me into the lyric of “Oasis” … I dedicate this song to all of you who dare to  dream… and then dare again to follow those dreams… passionately at any cost… 

“Risking all I have and all that I own... for a dream…That no one sees but You alone”


You are rare.. indeed few and far in between…  but indeed brothers and sisters in the Journey we call Life…in search of “Oasis”  (May it be to the Glory of the LORD)

©Stan Pollmann…“Solo… but Not Alone”™

©Stan Pollmann… “Saga of the Bold Knight in search of Oasis”™® 


“Oasis” © Stan Pollmann


I've been searching all my life it seems

For a handful of my hopes and dreams

Looking under every rock I find...

Hoping to find them ...in the sands of time


And so I go on searching while I breathe

for those dreams I know that You put in me

Risking all I have and all that I own... for a dream

That no one sees but You alone.



I'm searching for water... to quench my thirsty soul

Oasis if you're out there somewhere...

I really need to know...

I'm searching for water... to quench my thirsty soul

Oasis if you're out there somewhere...

I really need to know...I really need to know...


They say that hope deferred...Makes your heart feel blue


well that's a feeling I had grown accustomed to

I know you put this yearning deep inside...

to find the dreams... the dreams of my life


So I go on searching relentlessly

For the dreams I know that You put in me

I know I'll find them there at the end of the road...

They're waiting for me to have and to hold.



I'm searching for water... to quench my thirsty soul

Oasis if you're out there somewhere...

I really need to know...

I'm searching for water... to quench my thirsty soul

Oasis if you're out there somewhere...

I really need to know...Oasis I need to know...


(Instrumental Bridge)


I was searching for water... to quench my thirsty soul

Jesus... You're the living water...

And You made me whole

I was searching for water... to quench my thirsty soul

Jesus... You're the living water...

And You made me whole...

You made me whole...


(Instrumental Bridge and end...)